Friday, June 5, 2009

Innisfil Annexation Approved

Innisfil residents worse fear has officially come to fruition with Ontario's approval for Barrie to annex the town. The Province's decision which was rumored to be in the works for this week has granted Barrie almost 2,300 hectares of Innisfil land.

The land will be transferred into the hands of Barrie on January first 2010 and will increase the size of Barrie by thirty percent.

The decision isn't as bad as first anticipated and has only affected about 300 people. Those people will be living in the city of Barrie starting in early 2010, ironically, Innisfil mayor Brian Jackson will be one of those affected people.

Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Barrie To Annex Innisfil?

The City of Barrie has been undergoing a deep transformation in the last ten years. There have been a slew of families moving into the little city north of Toronto because of it's convenient commuter location, it's picturesque scenery and most importantly, it's real estate affordability.

It's no secret that the real estate market in Toronto has been extremely pricey in the last ten years which has forced many Torontonians to flee to less expensive areas. One area that has been very popular with Torontonians is Barrie Ontario.

There are many problems with a town changing into a small city at the pace that Barrie has been growing. The obvious is infrastructure, but what if the City literally runs out of land. What then?

Just south of Barrie's borders lies a reasonably large plot of land which has not been developed and this little fact makes the town of Innisfil a prime candidate for annexation by it's neighbor to the north. Needless to say, Innisfil residents are not very pleased at the notion, but their biggest fear may be a reality in the near future. The rumor is that the Province of Ontario will make a decision on the annexing issue later this week.

If Innisfil is annexed by Barrie, they will lose a big chunk of it's border. Reports have Barrie wanting to take land from highway 27 on the west, passed Yonge Street to the east and down to Innisfil Beach Road.

In conclusion, It is inevitable that Innisfil residents who enjoy the scenery of their small town would become extremely annoyed with this prospect, and who can blame them, but at the same time, they may not have much of a say in the matter, which is unfortunate.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

Barrie Ontario Hospital

Barrie Ontario has been growing rapidly for the last ten years, and with growth of a town into a small city comes the planning of infrastructure and essential services. One service which cannot be overseen is the local hospital.

Barrie Ontario´s hospital ( Royal Victoria Hospital, or RVH) opened in 1997 in the Northern part of the city and within walking distance to Barrie´s Georgian College.

RVH is a modern building which presently has 297 beds, and 18 bassinets in it´s level II special care nursery, however, with the rapid increase of the local population, also comes the need for more beds, more doctors and more advanced medical equipment.

In the last several years, Barrie residents along with RVH has pressured the Ontario government for funds to extend the hospital and build a cancer unit to service cancer patients who presently have to drive to Toronto for treatment.

With the support of the provincial government and Barrie residents, including the Barrie Ontario Business sector, the funds for the much needed expansion, have been raised.

Phase one of the project will add 100 beds to the hospital as well as increasing the size of it´s emergency room. The imaging department will also increase in size as will the operating rooms.

The Barrie Hospital is used by many non Barrie residents, and therefore has one of the busiest emergency rooms in all of Ontario, making this expansion a much needed project for the city.

The Hospital is now in it´s tender phase, and will make a decision soon on which construction company will be awarded the contract to build the new extension to the hospital.

Ground breaking for the new expansion is anticipated for early 2009.